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BelajarBahasaInggris5: Greetings

By mesothelinda on Rabu, 30 Mei 2012 0 comments

Selanjutnya kita akan mempelajari greetings atau ucapan salam/sapaan. Berikut ini kalimat yang biasa diucapkan ketika bertemu dengan orang lain. Setelah anda baca, silakan download file audio-nya, dengarkan lalu coba anda ucapkan 10x.



Good morning!
Good morning, how are you today?

Good afternoon!
Good afternoon. It's lunchtime, let's eat!

Good night!
Good night and sleep well!

How are you?

Fine, thanks.

What's your name?

My name is Julia.

How old are you?

I am twenty-five years old.

Where are you from?

I am from Spain.

Nice to meet you!

Please help me.

Thanks for the gift.

You are welcome!

Excuse me
Excuse me, can you help me?

How do you say...?

I don't understand.

Could you repeat it please?

Goodbye and see you soon.

Klik disini untuk download file audio-nya.

Selanjutnya silakan berlatih disini: LatihanBahasaInggris5 greetings

Category: basics , featured , greetings

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